Filo executive search & interim management
Finding and placing top talent
For over ten years, Filo has been finding top talent for the manufacturing industry in the Netherlands and abroad: from board members, line managers to highly experienced professionals. Thanks to personal attention, discretion, a thorough no-nonsense approach and sector knowledge, 100% of the assignments succeed.
The search, screening and onboarding services Filo provides make life easier for its clients. Our unique client-centric sourcing approach is what makes us successful. A match with the culture and ambition of the client is just as important as the required experience and skills of the candidates.
Focus on quality and personal attention for client and candidate is the key to a successful search and a long-term partnership. Filo has loyal clients: 90 percent placed more than one assignment in the last three years and 100 percent of the vacancies were successfully filled.
We have an international network and understand the culture, requirements and developments of our clients in the manufacturing industry. As a result, we find candidates faster and our matches are more successful. We do this for positions in the Netherlands and abroad.
Filo focuses on permanent and interim positions for all disciplines, such as General Management, Operations, Marketing & Sales, Finance and Supply Chain and Procurement, for which at least higher professional education or university level and 10 years of work experience are required.
Successful organizations place different demands on the competencies and motivations of the new generation of leaders. A vacant position offers an opportunity to bring a new dynamic to the organization, new ways of collaborating and organizing. By entering into a dialogue with our clients about the future vision and the desired organizational culture, we are best able to match the experience, personality and expectations of the candidate. This can lead to unconventional profiles or candidates from other sectors who bring in new insights.

Filo specializes in quickly placing highly experienced interim managers, project managers, and senior crisis or change managers. The independence of an external manager means a powerful boost for your organization. For this service, Filo works with a large number of interim managers, enabling you to immediately apply the right knowledge and experience to your organization.

Matching top talents is a people business and requires trust and discretion in and empathy with the candidate. Filo guides candidates throughout the entire procedure. Even after a successful match has been made, we continue to follow the candidate during the onboarding or assignment so that nothing stands in the way of success.
Filo has understood the dynamics within the manufacturing and process industry for more than 10 years. It's an industry in strong transition, such as digitization, internationalization, sustainability and new business models. Filo offers customization and a fresh external perspective.

Whether it concerns technology improvements, innovations, Lean, contracted manufacturing, optimization of service organizations, private label concepts, cradle-to-cradle strategies or choices in offshoring and inshoring, we speak your language.
Many of our industrial clients are medium-sized companies. These are characterized by an entrepreneurial culture in which involvement, energy, inventiveness and focus are the core competencies. We find the rare bird you are looking for.

Those who want to change have to be open to new ideas. Diversity and inclusiveness are high on the agenda of many companies. We find the candidate that brings change: that charismatic CEO, female CFO, digital visionary or creative marketing strategist.

Floris Slikker
Floris Slikker is owner of Filo and active in executive search and interim management since 2008. After studying Business Law at Erasmus University in Rotterdam he held various senior management and executive positions in both the Netherlands and Australia at KPN, Imtech and AkzoNobel, among others. Floris now works from his office in the green belt, from where he attracts top talent for Dutch and foreign companies. His interest in organizational cultures and human drivers, his integrity and his eye for detail have ensured many loyal regular clients from the start.